Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

(JURNAL PENCERAH BANGSA hukum, sosial dan Ekonomi) Bulan Januari dan Juli dalam setahun. (JURNAL PENCERAH BANGSA hukum, sosial dan Ekonomi) adalah untuk menyebarluaskan informasi hasil karya tulis ilmiah kepada akademisi dan praktisi yang menaruh minat pada bidang Hukum Sosial dan Ekonomi. (JURNAL PENCERAH BANGSA hukum, sosial dan Ekonomi) menerima kiriman artikel yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Penentuan artikel yang dimuat dilakukan melalui proses blind review oleh tim editor dengan mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek antara lain: terpenuhinya persyararatan baku untuk publikasi jurnal ilmiah dan kontribusi artikel terhadap perkembangan profesi, Hukum Sosial dan Ekonomi Editor bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan telaah konstruktif terhadap artikel yang akan dimuat dan (jika dipandang perlu) dan menyampaikan hasil evaluasi artikel kepada penulis. Artikel yang diusulkan untuk dimuat pada jurnal disarankan untuk mengikuti pedoman penulisan artikel yang dibuat oleh Editor.:

  • Hukum
  • Sosial
  • Ekonomi

(JURNAL PENCERAH BANGSA hukum, sosial dan Ekonomi) Terbit 1 Tahun : Januari  and Juli


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

(JURNAL PENCERAH BANGSA hukum, sosial dan Ekonomi)  implement each accepted manuscript will go through a review process by the Editor and reviewers, using a Double blind Peer-Review Process, which the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author did not know the identity of the reviewer.

(JURNAL PENCERAH BANGSA hukum, sosial dan Ekonomi)  implement policies Double Blind Peer-Review, every manuscript received will be sent to Reviewers who registered in The Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis. The review process lasts a maximum of up to 30 (thirty) days with the allocation of time given to each reviewer to complete its review process is a maximum of ten (10) working days. If the partners designated bestari previously not able to finish his review work within the time limit specified then chairman of the Chairman of Editorial Board will appoint a replacement to do a review Reviewers manuscript.

In the review process, reviewers provide considerations relating to compatibility between the title, abstract, introduction, discussion (results) and conclusion. In addition reviewer also give consideration associated with novelty, scientific impact and references used

Review Process:

1. Author submit the manuscript
2. Editor Evaluation [some manuscripts are rejected or returned before the review process]
3. Double-blind peer review process
4. Editor Decision (Acceptend Submission, Revisions Required, Resubmit For Review, Decline Submission)
5. Confirmation to the authors

Final decision of articles acceptance will be made by Editors according to reviewers comments. Publication of accepted articles including the sequence of published articles will be made by Editor in Chief by considering sequence of accepted date and geographical distribution of authors.




Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.