Pengecualian Terhadap Prinsip Rahasia Bank Dalam Penyelidikan yang dilakukan Pada Tindak Pidana Judi Online

Anthonius Ginting, Sunarmi Sunarmi, Madiasa Ablisar, Mahmul Siregar


One of the factors to maintain and increase the level of public trust in a bank is the bank's compliance with the Bank's Secret obligations, namely protection of depositing customers and their deposits from crimes. The obligation to uphold bank secrecy can be exempted, one of which is the exception, namely to the interests of the judiciary in criminal cases, including online gambling crime with the written statement or approval of the Depository Customer. As stipulated in Article 42 of Law Number 10 Year 1998 concerning Banking, by the request of the police during the investigation stage, prosecutors in the prosecution stage, or judges in the stage of examination before the court, can ask permission from the leadership of Bank Indonesia (now at the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) to obtain an information about the Suspect's deposit. As a form of applying the principle of trust, an obligation arises for banks to protect customer data and funds, where the concrete form of such protection is Bank Confidentiality


Exceptions, Bank Secrecy, Criminal Acts

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